

  • you will receive an email invite to your timelog on Google Drive
  • this file is private between you and finance, no other co-workers will be able to view it

How to

  • input every time after your class / meeting / admin
  • always wait for the file to finish loading completely, or the formulas will not work
  • Beginning of month (every 21st)
    • start a new tab. eg from Jan 21st you should use the Feb tab
    • input the month on top
  • teaching
    • If you are T, only input at T and leave A blank.
    • input length of the class at T or A. Every 1hr10m -1hr20m class you will be paid for 1.5 hrs, every 40-50min class you will be paid for 1hr
  • admin
    • input in minutes
    • must state details of the task
    • can have multiple entries a day, eg “name badge making for 10m, flashcard writing for 10m”
  • transportation
    • input actual cost, round-trip for a day from home to classroom, or from classroom to classroom
    • max 1000yen a day
    • reason: class, meeting, etc
  • meeting / training
    • CT = company training = training on topics specific to working at KEYS. All are paid, plus transportation.
    • ST = skills training = general teaching skill training. Paid for experienced teachers, unpaid for new teachers, please check your contract.
  • Patty cash
    • all the money that you have spent for the company this month, eg items from 100yen shop. Always ask before buying.
    • sponsorship on outside training (approval needed). eg if the training is 2000yen and you are pre-approved for sponsorship of half of the fee, add 1000yen to your patty cash
    • put all invoices in an envelop with your name and the month, pass it or post it to Doris at the end of the month


  • always input it online, if you download it and input, nothing will be recorded in the system
  • you can download the file for record after cut-off day
  • do not type on the 0 areas, where the formulas are at
  • to continue the formulas on the next cell: click the last cell with the formula > click on the small square on the bottom right of the cell > drag it down to as far as you like

Keys Systems

Please check the systems below and familiarize yourself with them.

1. KEYS Homepage

2. Student Area (SA)

    • from our homepage, find the “student area” button. The password is “Jingle”

3. Class Link (CL) – for Megumi AM class

    • [To read] Inside SA on top there are names of classes, when you click them it leads you to “Class Link”, which is the class blog we write to parents
    • [To write] Go to wordpress.com and log in, click new post, ALWAYS click the category (your class) and uncheck “uncategorized”. New teachers are required to only save as draft and email Doris for checking, until getting approval you can directly post.
    • to let them know (1) what happened in class (2) homework and revisions (3) recommended videos (4) other announcements  e.g. what to bring next class
    • Teachers are required to write the blog within the day, or the day after the class.
    • Japanese grammar mistakes are OK. We have informed parents that teachers are trying hard to write. If in doubt, write BOTH Japanese and English.
    • English mistakes and typos are NOT OK as you are an English educator. Always double check and use spell check.

4. Class Dojo – for all PM classes

    • You should have received an email invite.
    • If you are substituting a class, please ask KEYS office to grant you permission to class dojo for that particular class
    • [Attendance] Record attendance every class. Parents cannot see this.
    • [Message] For elementary kids who come by themselves to class and if they are going to be late, parents are asked to directly send an inbox message to teacher so teacher will know the whereabouts of the kid. If kid didn’t show up after some time and you didn’t get any message from parents, message the parents, if no reply, call admin for help and make sure you get hold of parents to inform that the kid is not seen yet.
    • [Message]Parents are asked to email KEYS office for questions, and teachers are forbidden to contact with parents even through Class Dojo to avoid unnecessary troubles. If parents ask admin questions on Class Dojo, copy the message to office.
    • Class management points can be given to students. They don’t get a prize but parents can see the points and reasons. This function is optional, manly for classes with behavioral problems.
    • [Class story] After-class report: write as CL above. You can also upload photos and videos to let parents know what you did in class.
    • Trick: adding a student with your email address as parent so you can send yourself messages and notes to check next class. Using the name as A A makes it the 1st student on the list.

5. Absent/ make up system

Megumi : Response Sheet  (bookmark it in your browser please, no login required) > no make-up system
Others: Response Sheet (bookmark it in your browser please, no login required)
Exceptions: classes with no make-up system, simply send message on Class Dojo if absent (Toyosu: Candy | Tsukishima: Dolphin | Myoden: all classes]

    • whenever students will be absent they will have to fill out the form inside Student Area.
    • before every lesson teachers are required to check the form as to prepare your lesson materials (eg if you have one extra make-up student you may need one more copy of the worksheet), and to delete old entries
    • keep homework / worksheets for absent students in their files and give them to mom with verbal instructions in his next class

6. Dropbox

    • [teacher share] contains all lesson-related materials. Only download those are related to your class. Teachers are strictly forbidden to use these materials outside KEYS class, else a school franchising fee will occur. Use this link to download the files.
    • [teacher & admin share] contains all administrative info that will be share between admin staff and teachers
    • be VERY careful NOT to delete or overwrite any files.
    • Always close the files on your computer when you are done using it. If you are modifying the file and someone else are doing so to, not all the finals will be saved.

7. Teacher Roster

    • in dropbox > teachers and admin share
    • T = teacher, A = Assistant teacher, Mtg = Meeting, SB = standby, O= observation / non-paid training, Sub = urgent substitute, Admin = administrative tasks
    • New changes are marked in red. Important items are marked with a yellow background.
    • Always email to confirm roster. Special roster requests are open, the earlier you make the request the more possible it will be.

8. KEYS Facebook Page

    • https://www.facebook.com/keysenglishschool
    • News and photos about English education, as well as our school and small announcements are being uploaded
    • be very careful with your personal facebook account setting, because if you like our school page parents can find your personal facebook. If your posts are set as public parents will be able to all your private life, and this is forbidden as per school rules. (Teachers are forbidden to communicate directly with parents outside class time)

9. Classroom Entrance / Exit system for elementary kids

    • For all elementary kids classes, notification is sent to parents when the kids enter our classroom, or leave the classroom by themselves.
    • At Class Dojo > Class > Message > select the kid who are in, simply type “arrived” and send to parents.
    • If kid left alone: type “left classroom”

10. Workplace

    • https://workplace.fb.com/
    • Facebook-like SNS for internal use. Your personal facebook information will not be shared.
    • Must install the Work Chat app on your phone. Urgent messages will be sent on Workplace (eg this kid will have to leave early today, collect cash from this kid, etc)
    • Click “like” on posts to show you have read the post. Feel free to comment, post and communicate with each other.

11. Youtube Channels

    • KEYS English Official Channel
    • KEYS Internal Channel: videos strictly for internal use. All staff are authorized upload rights as a “communication manager” of the Channel.
    • See [Idea Bank] post for uploading details

12. Trello

    • for keeping track of tasks (mainly admin tasks) : who does what, are the tasks completed, discussions about the tasks
    • please keep all the discussions inside the same card so it can be easily followed (not some parts on email and some parts on Trello)
    • all cards will be deleted upon completion together with their attachments. Do save necessary files in your computer.
    • when tasks are completed, always delete them (you have to first click achieve, and delete)
    • if you want more admin work / less admin work, please add a card on your pile.